
How Mindset Coaching Facilitates Success

‘Mindset’ is a word you have probably engaged with by now, but many do not understand its significance. It is easy to assume that mindset is the latest buzzword to momentarily shake up school curriculums and grace therapists’ consulting rooms, but this is not a flash-in-the-pan phenomenon, mindset coaching is here to stay.


What Is A Mindset?


A mindset is the collection of thoughts and beliefs that directly shape how you feel and behave, but, perhaps most importantly, it governs your ability to achieve your goals. Research suggests that the way in which you view your intelligence strongly correlates with your ability to perform. 

Stanford University Professor, Carol Dweck, proposed that there are two different types of mindset: fixed and growth. Those with a fixed mindset regard their intelligence and capabilities as limited; if you’re not good at something, you might never be good at it. On the other hand, those with a growth mindset believe that their intelligence and talents can be developed given enough time and effort. 

In her book, ‘Mindset: The New Psychology of Success’, Dweck explains how those with a growth mindset may achieve greater academic success, make more effective business leaders and may even bounce back from romantic heartbreak more quickly than their fixed mindset counterparts. Countless subsequent studies have supported Dweck’s theory. 

A growth mindset and thinking positively are two sides of the same coin. With an optimistic outlook, self-criticism is limited, generating a greater motivation to action your goals and, crucially, the belief that you are capable of success. 


How Do People With Opposing Mindsets Approach Tasks Differently?


That people undertake tasks differently is an easy observation to make. When considering why there is so much variation in approaching the same task, we must consider that all actions begin with a thought and that the discernible outcomes occur because of the person’s mindset.  

When faced with a challenge, fixed mindsets lead to thoughts which restrict success, such as ‘I can’t do this’ and ‘this is too hard’. As a result, individuals believe that applying themselves is fruitless and give up on tasks easily. 

Growth mindsets, conversely, generate positive thoughts, such as, ‘I can do anything I put my mind to’ and ‘I will try until I get the result that I want’. Even if they initially fall short, they believe that failure is an opportunity to grow and will attempt a different strategy. 

In educational settings, students with a growth mindset approach tasks with mental determination, particularly if positive mindset messages are communicated within the classroom. When faced with a problem, they may ask a teacher to explain the topic in a different way, or ask a question without the fear of appearing unintelligent. They are more likely to seek out challenges that will push them, whereas students with a fixed mindset are happy to relax in their comfort zones. Even with an innate talent in a certain area, those with a fixed mindset may not excel as they are reluctant to show weakness when a topic becomes difficult to comprehend.  

When working professionally and receiving negative feedback from the boss, individuals with a fixed mindset may agree with the assessment and deduce that they are not competent in their role. Alternatively, they may determine that their boss has no idea what they are talking about and totally ignore the feedback. Both avenues prevent professional growth and limit success. Those with a positive mindset are more likely to seriously consider the feedback and use it as a tool to improve their performance. 


What Is Mindset Coaching? 


Changing your mindset is no easy feat. Increasing your awareness of your conscious thoughts and replacing those that are negative takes time, effort and guidance. That said, once you acknowledge that you have the power to choose how you think and feel, and interpret your feelings, half of the battle is won.

Have you ever read an article about the keys to success only to be bombarded by sweeping statements, such as ‘take more risks’ and ‘believe in yourself’? Whilst these points have value, it is difficult to put them into practice without the right tools. A positive mindset connects these dots. 

Dr. Jan C. Wulff’s BrainTuning® System takes individuals on a journey of self-discovery, allowing them to gain insight into how they view themselves and how this affects their behaviour. Through structured coaching sessions, Dr. Jan teaches mindfulness techniques and develops skills such as visualisation. This allows participants to establish a positive mindset and to eliminate the pessimistic thought patterns that are holding them back. 

Participating in Mindset Coaching is one of the most advantageous methods of achieving personal and professional success. Moreover, a positive mindset is not a temporary fix for a one-off obstacle, but will continue to facilitate long-term achievement. 


Mindset Coaching


Book Your Discovery Call For Mindset Coaching


A positive mindset is the key to becoming resolute in your approach to success. To reach your potential and break down the thought barriers that stand between you and your goals, book a Discovery Call with Dr. Jan C Wulff today. 

During your 20-minute complimentary consultation, Dr. Jan will gain an understanding of your current mindset and explain his BrainTuning® System in greater detail. You will be given actionable strategies to cope with the stress that negative thoughts provoke, strategies that you can implement immediately. 

The key to unlocking your personal and professional success is only a phone call away.