
The Connection Between Mindset And Motivation

I’ll start tomorrow – the most half-hearted statement used by the unmotivated human population. Perhaps, in fleeting moments, the user of this phrase actually believes they will commence a new task the following morning. Crucially, though, they are pushing back their commitment rather than taking action in the present moment. But what is it that strips us of our enthusiasm? And how can we regain our mindset and motivation?

Causes Of Demotivation

You Have Lost Your Purpose

We need a reason to act. We need a sense of direction. An understanding of what we are working towards and a belief in why we are taking action helps us to achieve personal and professional goals. Over time, our purpose in life can become clouded. For example, if your motivation lies in providing for your family, when your children fly the nest and begin careers of their own, you may feel knocked off-course.


You Have Taken On Too Much

Perhaps you found something you excelled at and decided you could increase your workload. Maybe you believe that saying ‘yes’ enhances your popularity. Whatever your reason for taking on too much, once your head dips underwater, it is difficult to remember how to stay afloat.

As soon as your mind tricks you into thinking ‘I can’t do this’, you look for examples to reinforce this idea. Minor setbacks, such as narrowly missing a deadline or forgetting to call somebody, suddenly act as conclusive examples of your failure.


You Are Being Too Self-Critical

Comparing ourselves to others is not a new phenomenon, however, it is more prevalent in today’s society due to the introduction of social media. Assessing where we lie amongst our peers is almost compulsory as the daily bombardment of Instagram stories and tweets report the latest marriages, promotions and charitable endeavours.

The feeling that you should have achieved more by now may begin to circulate and negative thought patterns slowly start to embed themselves in your mind. The more pessimistic you become, the more likely you are to self-direct this negativity, becoming overly critical of your beliefs and behaviours. This is a tough cycle to break.


You Are Afraid To Fail

The fear of failure can be immobilising. A lack of self-belief can be brought about by a variety of factors, including growing up with critical parents or teachers, traumatic life experiences and, amazingly, being told you are clever.

Whilst this may seem like a compliment, research suggests that praising children for being smart instills a belief that innate talent is the reason for success. They go on to believe that failing shows a lack of intelligence and begin to fear challenges in which their intellect may be exposed.


Change Your Mindset And Spark Your Motivation

Although there are a multitude of reasons why you may feel demotivated, they share one commonality – your mindset. Motivation always begins with a thought. If your thoughts are generally negative, you will probably find yourself saying, I’ll start tomorrow.

To reignite your motivation, you need to adopt a positive mindset.

A positive mindset is the practice of focusing on the good in any situation. Its power creates mental clarity, allowing an enhanced understanding of the self and our purpose in life. As a result, we achieve a greater sense of our abilities and become equipped to achieve our goals.

When obstacles present themselves, those with a positive mindset will not give in, but instead tackle the challenge with determination. If they fail, they use the experience as something to learn from which can better inform their behaviour the second time around.


How Do I Change My Mindset?

Dr. Jan C. Wulff is a certified doctor and life coach whose primary focus is helping others to overcome their negative thought patterns. Through focused coaching sessions, Dr Jan uses his 5-Step BrainTuning® System to encourage his clients to identify their pessimistic thoughts and replace them with positive alternatives.

By embarking on a journey of self-discovery, individuals bring to light their unique goals and intrinsic motivations. Dr. Jan teaches techniques such as mindfulness, visualisation and emotionalisation in order to develop long-lasting mindset changes. By purposefully removing negative thoughts, his clients become more resistant, more fulfilled and more motivated.

To find out more about Dr. Jan’s 5-Step BrainTuning® System, book a Discovery Call with the man himself. Keep up to date with his latest courses, news and offers, by connecting with him on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.